Saturday, August 6, 2011

why the blog??

Let me just say there are so many other things I should be doing right now...but I am taking FULL advantage of the fact that the boys are playing (nicely I might add) and the baby girl is fast asleep and one happy napper. My friend Ali posted a post the other day and it inspired me to do the same. So I'm stepping WAY out of my little bloggy box and linking up with Kelly's Korner - (not me - another cool Kelly) and getting into why I do this little thing called "bloggin" and tips for others who may be thinking about starting one of there own.

First a bit about why I choose to blog. Some of you out there may wonder "why does this gal blog??" to begin with. Well that's a good question. It's certainly not because I have expert parenting expertise, or mad awesome skills that I feel the world just wouldn't be complete without me sharing, or that we are just SOOO interesting. No...that would not be it. I started blogging years ago because my best friend Nataleigh told me to. Yes folks, I broke under peer the age of 25! In my defense she's very convincing...HA! She had started one, and wanted me to do one so we could read about what was going on in our respective lives.

That first blog is long gone - much like my family life, my blog life has had it's fair share of moves and changes - but I've got "the one" now (I think) and I'm sticking to it. So, why do I do it? Well mostly to keep up with family and friends. Most of you reading know that we're a military family, so we are on the move every 2 to 3 years which means that A #1 we're not close to family, and B #2 we're always meeting new people and adding them to our real life "friends" list. So this is an easy way to keep in touch for those who are interested in what we are up to.

I also blog about my family, so that maybe one day when we look back on this thing, we can remember some of these happy times. I try to keep a scrapbook, but with three kiddos it's hard to find the time. However, the computer gives me a way to journal and include pictures to capture some of those precious moments.

And finally I blog because it's more fun than what I should be doing right now - laundry, cleaning bathrooms and running the sweeper. Yes ya'll - I blog to procrastinate doing my chores. Shameless.

So what makes a "good" blog. Really, I have no wonderful tips. All I can do is share what attracts me to read other blogs, and that is pretty simple.
  • Be true - to yourself and let the real you shine through. I know lots of others have said this as well...but I really think this has to be the most important one. Don't try to make it into something that you're not. Be happy with what it is and go from there. It's all about you, so as long as what you have makes you happy - you're all set.
  • Have FUN with it. Add pictures, tell funny stories when you have one, I've even posted jokes before that made me laugh. Of course life isn't always about the fun times, but I think it's good to have a mix.
Okay, those are my two main tips. I I said I'm not full of worldly wisdom. But I think those are really important. So there you have it folks - the why's and what's behind our little bloggy here. Hope to see you around! :)


Samantha said...

Good post! It's tough to be a blogger that just does it to share in a day in age where blogging is a profession for so many. The "be true" is the most simple, best piece of advice most bloggers should follow in my unprofessional opinion!

Two Dozen and Change said...

Love your sweet blog Kelly! And in my book, you do indeed have expert parenting advice :)

Mary said...

So glad to come across your blog. It is always nice to connect with another military wife. I totally agree about being real on your blog. Real life is what makes us interesting and is how others can relate to us. Look forward reading your story :)

E said...

I so know what you mean about using the blog as a scrapbook. Life gets crazy and if you don't document it you TOTALLY forget all those sweet, silly, frustrating moments! BTW, I hopped over from Kelly's Korner. Thanks for the blogging thoughts :)

ARK said...

It's so true!!! I'm so glad I'm creating kind of a catalog of our lives...I forget so much already from when the boys were little...

ARK said... your header btw :)

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