Saturday, September 3, 2011

5 month-aversary

Can it be?? My little girl is now 5 months old??

Baby Girl: You had a very eventful 4th month of life, but first things first. You are in 6-9/12 month clothes and your size 3 diapers. I don't know how long you are or how much you weigh, but I can tell you have gotten longer because it's time to raise up the seat in your favorite new place...
You LOVE LOVE LOVE to bounce. Especially when your brothers stand next to you and jump while you do it. You laugh and giggle until you give yourself the hiccups. It's adorable.

You have worked through your cereals (rice, barley, and oatmeal) and so far have loved it all. Soon we will start introducing veggies! Yum. You still sleep through the night and are starting to take a (somewhat) predictable nap in the afternoon. Such a blessing for mama!!

You also had not one, but TWO teeth pop through a few weeks ago. They are so cute, but mama has to be careful before she lets you chew on my fingers!

Can you find my teeth??

You are still just the happiest little thing. You are so social and love to be around people. You smile at anyone who talks with you and are just such a joy to us!! You also still love baths, stories, and grabbing your toes! This is your new favorite thing to do, and you work to grab them wherever you are.

Happy Baby

You took another road trip this month, however this one was not planned. There was an earthquake (small - but present all the same) and a hurricane all in the same week!! My oh my. Mama decided to head out of Irene's way, so we packed up the car and drove down to stay with Grams and Papa's until the storm passed. It was a long trip for just a few days, but we had a good time. You went swimming and got lots of sugars from your grams and papa.

That wraps things up for this month. You are just so much fun, we can't get enough. We love you to the moon and back sweet little girl!!


Samantha said...

What an adorable smile she's got, she sure does look like a happy girl! And 2 teeth...WOW! Growing so fast!

Glad to hear you didn't fare badly from the quake and cane. Stay safe!

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