Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

It will be a miracle if my kids actually fall asleep tonight. Well - I guess they will eventually...when all the sugar wears off and they crash. Just don't know how long that is going to take. I figured I'd blog while waiting for that to happen. Here are my two oldest ready to go get their trick-or-treating on.

Happy Halloween folks!

We have had such a busy weekend, but it's been wonderful - and very "post worthy" so I'll have lots of posts coming at you.

But because I mentioned it in my last post, I'll go ahead and show off my latest project. This is our family command center. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

The calendar portion, is actually a print out that I made and then framed in a big picture frame and I use dry erase markers on it to update it as needed. Then on the bottom left those are little file boxes, but I covered up the kids names for posting reasons. Thats where I put all their school stuff that needs to go back to school, or homework assignments, book orders, etc. Above that is our meal center - I put our meals for the week and shopping list there. Then below the calendar are two magnet boards to show-off artwork and classwork. Our fridge is stainless so magnets don't stick to it, so we needed to come up with another place to have the kids "brag boards".

So there you have it. It was pretty easy to do, and also pretty inexpensive which is a big plus in my book!

Hope you all had a fun Halloween and that there was lots of candy involved!! :)


Samantha said...

The command center is great! And THANK YOU for being one of the few blogs I read that actually doesn't disclose their children's folks!

Pretty impressive costumes I must say! The elder went as a glowing ghost but he took off with friends before I could get a pic and I was in bed when he came home. Little was the drummer from Green Day, but people kept calling him a hobo. Hmm....

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