Sunday, June 5, 2011

2nd month-aversary

Our baby girl has hit (and past) her two month "birthday". It's mind-blowing to think that on Monday she will be 10 weeks old! Where has the time gone?? Then again, I can't believe my oldest will be 7 in less than 6 months. SEVEN?? Really...What??!?!! It goes by too fast!! So, baby girl (and all of you out there reading) here is what you are up to these days:

At your 2 month check-up you weighed in at 13lbs 15oz and 23.5 inches tall. You have adorable chubby cheeks and I can't seem to get enough kisses on them. You have moved up to a size 2 diaper and are sporting 3-6 month old clothes (very cute ones I might add).

On May 5th you gave me your first 'real' smile. It was nothing short of amazing - that smile just makes me giddy. You are also sleeping through the night as of May 24! You eat around 10 and then are out until 6ish. It's bliss. You also have warmed up to your crib and sleeping in a room by yourself. Bedtime is also getting easier. You still cry, but you don't scream for hours in the evening anymore.

You still love the bath - maybe even more now than you did before.

You took your first "road trip" last weekend to see Daddy. It was 12 hours (one way) and you were awesome. You slept most of the drive, just waking up to eat or if you needed to be changed. It seems that your car seat is one of your favorite places...

You're talking now - making those sweet sweet baby cooing noises. You adore your big brothers. You smile whenever they are near. You like to be outside when the weather is nice and I can tell you are curious. Now that you can really see clearly, you watch everything and take it all in.

You are a sweet, good natured (although maybe a bit stubborn) baby girl and we love you to pieces. Such a blessing you are.


Sam S. said...

It is oh so obvious looking at her that she belongs to your brood. :) What a beautiful little child and moving right along eh? It IS hard to believe the big kid is inching up (or sprinting?) on 7, my my how time flies. Glad you got a trip to see the missing part of the fam, I know you're looking forward to moving and being together again.

Sarah said...

Wow, she looks just like her brothers! So cute! I'll bet you are loving having a girl. I can't believe Caleb is almost 7 either, you were pregnant with him when we first met. Time does fly!

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