Tuesday, October 23, 2012


How is it that almost THREE months have gone by and I haven't updated this thing??  Maybe I am just not cut out for the blogging world...or I have three kids and a husband that is deployed.  This might have something to do with it.  Although, that's only an excuse because I KNOW there are lots of military mama's out there that manage to blog daily about the in's and out's of life - I just am not one of them.  Usually by the end of the night after the kids are in bed I am just too darn tired to sit at the computer and type something up.  I much rather sit on the couch, watch mindless tv and fold laundry.  Which might not sound like much of a night, but for me it's how I roll.  But today I have dedicated nap time, to getting things done that need to be done ON the computer.  Bills to be paid, emails to write, things to order, you get the idea...

So...what have we been up to?  Well, we've stayed BUSY.  The summer flew by with all sorts of fun to be had.  I covered the first 1/2 of the summer in my last post...so here's a quick glimpse into the last 1/2.  I took the kids up to CT to visit a friend for a week and we had a blast!!  We did camps, and swimming lessons, and time at the beach.  Before we knew it summer was done and we were gearing up for school.
peach picking in CT

At the end of August the boys went back to school.  They love being back, and really like their teachers.  I just love the school that they are in, and am very thankful that we found it.
First day of school!!

I would love to be here long enough for our little girl to attend as well, but only time will tell.  We are about 1/2 way through Hubby's DH tour, so we have awhile before we start looking at what is to come.  My sister and her hubby came for a visit over Labor Day, and my parents came up the following weekend.  It's nice to have them, and I get a little break with family around.  Always appreciated!!  I'm not one to ask for help, but if it's here and offering, I will surly take you up on it!

September started all sorts of fun activities for the boys.  Big kid is playing fall ball (baseball), and my middle is playing soccer again.  They are also both singing with the church kids choir and the big kid is still doing scouts.  With all this our weekends are pretty full and I spend most of saturday going from one ball field to the next.  But it's so fun to watch and I'm proud of both my boys!!  My bible study started back up for the year, which I LOVE and am so thankful to be a part of again.  The girlie goes with me to that, and she really enjoys her little class.
my little baseball star
October rolled in with my big kid turning 8 - yes EIGHT - years old!!!  How do I have an eight year old????  We celebrated with Grams and Papas and a trip to Chucky Cheese.  Thankfully he agreed to not eating there, and we just ordered pizza after we got home.  All three of the kids had a great time playing games, and we pretty much had the place to ourselves.  Can't beat that!
Happy Birthday Kiddo!
The day after big kids birthday I took off to meet the Hubs in Israel!!  His boat had a port visit there and  so I jumped on the opportunity to fly out and meet him!  It was a trip of a lifetime and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to go.  We saw everything we possibly could in the 5 days I was there, and I would still go back again to try and see even more.  It was really great to re-connect with him after all this time.  Of course he is as sweet and handsome as ever and I'm reminded how incredibly blessed I am to have him!!  AWWWW.  Okay - mushy part over.
Greetings from Israel
So, that more or less brings me up to now.  We are gearing up for Halloween and all the fun that comes with that.  This weekend we have a few fun things to go to in the neighborhood as well as soccer games and baseball, so it will be another busy one, but that's okay.  If I have learned anything through this deployment it's that staying busy is key, because busy kids (especially active little boys) are happy kids!  Things are good until they start getting "bored" and then we have trouble.
my boys :)
Whew...so consider yourselves caught up!  More or less.  Maybe one of these days I'll get myself together enough to post more often, but for now it's like I tell my kids, you get what you get and you don't pitch a fit.  With that I'm off to get to that above mentioned list of "computer tasks".

Have a great week y'all.


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