Thursday, November 10, 2011

7.5 month-aversary

I'm not even going to pretend I got this in even somewhat "on-time". I know I'm usually late with these postings, but this one is just REALLY late. The pictures were taken just a few days after she turned 7 months, it's just been getting them up on the computer - and talking about them. Okay, enough with my sob-story, here we go.

Baby girl, you are now 7 months old and boy oh boy have you been busy. Your biggest news - you are officially on the move!! While your not text-book crawling, you're definitely on the move, and have to be watched at all times.

You also had 2 more teeth come in, giving you a grand total of 5 pearly whites! #6 is about to break through any day now.

You talk ALL the time. Ba ba, da da, ta ta, na get the idea. You just babble all day and can't get enough of being talked to. You LOVE to play peek-a-boo. It's precious. You are still a great eater and have yet to turn anything down.

Now the list includes squash, peas, bananas, avocados, black beans, peaches, pears, crackers, cheerios, even some graham crackers - oh and pumpkin bread!! Yes it appears that mama has loosed up a bit when it comes to the "what babies should eat" timeline. There is no doubt about it - you are a third baby!! Soon we're going to start on some of the meats. You've got the chewing down and are very interested in everything that we are eating. You also figured out how to feed yourself which is cute, but also very messy!

You are hovering right in-between 6-12 and 12-18 month clothes. The 6-12 size is just too short - seems you are getting longer baby girl. You're still in size three diapers. You're a champ at sleeping through the night, and have a (somewhat) regular nap-time schedule.

You love to be out and about - although you don't love being put into your car-seat. Once you are in it you're fine, it's just the buckling part you are not a fan of. You are also not a fan of wearing socks, or you just really love pulling them off...then sticking them in your mouth - silly girl. You still love bouncing in your bouncer, but now that you can move where you want to go, you prefer to be on the floor. You are fascinated with Bella (the family pup) and follow her around constantly. You really like to listen to us read to you. We can't get enough of your laugh. It's the sweetest sound in the world and just melts our hearts.

You are such a precious little girl and a joy to our family. I'm quite certain you know how loved you are because your little face just lights up when you see us. We are all quite smitten with you. We love you a hundred times over baby girl and are so blessed God chose us as your family here on earth!


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