Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wonderful Weekend

This weekend is what dreams are made of. Nobody was sick, the sun was shining, and best of all...the hubby was HOME!

The hubby took leave on Friday, and drove up to see us for the weekend. Boy were we all in heaven, especially the little boys. They were SUPER happy to have daddy home for a few days - and I was happy to have an extra pair if hands!
We filled up his time here doing lots of fun things. Friday the big kid got to play hooky from school (sshhhh - don't tell the teacher!!) and around lunchtime we packed up some food and took off for the park. It was a beautiful day here - sunny and in the mid-sixtys. I know that both my parents and my in-laws are probably shaking their heads in disbelief because the time that they were here it was cold and rainy...THE ENTIRE TIME. But it's true, we even came home with pink cheeks from all the sun. Well except for baby G who was under her shade the whole time.

Saturday was a little cooler and cloudy (sounds more believable eh??) and so we took the kids to the aquarium. Everyone had a good time and we got some neat pictures.

Me and the boys in front of the whales...and yes, my jeans have a huge hole in them. I'm going with the "it was laundry day" excuse - which is actually the truth.

Checking out the sea lions

lion fish

And of course - We found Nemo!

Today (Sunday) we went to church, brunch, and then home. We decided that because the hubs won't be here next weekend to celebrate Mother's Day, we would celebrate this weekend. This is my new toy:
Just look for me bouncing off the walls after drinking too much caffeine while trying all the different K-Cups that came with the machine!

After we got back to the house, hubby had to pack up and hit the road to get back for work tomorrow. We miss him already - it's been less than an hour. I realized recently - 7 or so years after it began - that we have quite the unique lifestyle - but that is another post all in of itself...

Crazy or not...I wouldn't change a thing. Hope you all had a great weekend.


Samantha said...

Great pic of you and the boys, they are so handsome! The wee bears a very striking resemblance to one of my cousins. And you look great, no one would guess you just had a baby!

It is unique at times isn't it? I was chatting on the phone this AM with my other friend Kelly who is a former soldier, now army wife. Topic of discussion: geobaching. In most civilian marriages, that wouldn't even really be a consideration! But it can be so blessed to. I'm glad to have met you and your great family through this life.

Matthew said...

It was a great weekend. I miss you guys!

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