Monday, October 10, 2011

6 month-aversary

Yes yes, late posting again as usual. But at this point, I've posted all of these about a week late so really I'm right on time. At least that's what I'm going with.

Baby girl: I can't believe you are 1/2 a year old! My oh my how time flies. First things first. Your doctor appointment went great. You are 19 lbs and 27 inches, which keeps you in the 90th percentile. You did great with your shots, and the doctor said you were just "perfect"and doing all the things a 6 month old baby should be doing. Being that you are 19 pounds its no surprise that you love food.
You've been eating all sorts of new foods, so far you love everything we've given you. Some of your new foods are apples, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, squash and bananas...oh and you love to "eat" apples. Really you just slobber all over them, but you're happy doing it.

You wear size 6-12 month clothes and are still wearing the size three diapers. Last week you had another tooth break through (top/front/left). I can't believe how fast you are growing and changing. You are still the happiest baby in the world and give smiles to all. You are such a joy and daddy and I just can't get enough of your sweet smiles. This is one of our favorite faces.

And this one as well...

You can hold yourself up now when sitting, and you want to move so badly.

I see you crawling in the near future. When that happens there will be no stopping you. You are determined to be able to keep up with your big brothers. You still LOVE your bouncer seat and I'd say it's your most favorite past time (other than being loved on). You also seem to really like going for a run with mama. After we drop the boys off at school we take off for a few miles. Mommy goes on foot and you take in the scenery from the jogging stroller. Usually you fall asleep sometime along the way, but while you are awake you just babble away. That's another thing - you talk ALL THE TIME. All sorts of new sounds. It seems like every day you come up with something new. I love it.
Thankfully you are still sleeping through the night just fine. You go to bed around 7:30 and wake up about the same time as your brothers (6am) which is fine with me because I'm already up. You greet me with a big old smile and we get our day going. As I already mentioned, you like to go running, bounce, eat and play with your brothers. Now that I think about it...if that's how I spent my day, I'd be a really happy baby too! That's all for this month girlie. As always we love you more than you could ever imagine and are blessed to have you in our life!!

That about wraps up this month. More posts to come, because we had another big milestone here - big kid turned SEVEN!!! Pictures and stories to come!! We also have this guy back.

Don't worry - we made him shave the goofy 'stash shortly after he got home.


Samantha said...

Haha, deployment stache

She's so adorable and growing so quickly!

Jennie said...

So glad you mad him shave that goofy thing. I don't know why these guys insist on growing those caterpillars on their faces. Josh gets it in his hiney to do that every so often also.

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