Monday, September 5, 2011

toot toot

Hey folks!! I hope you are all enjoying your Labor Day weekend.

Yesterday was a big day for me. I ran my first post-baby race, a 1/2 marathon no less, and it was fabulous. I ran the VA Beach Rock 'N' Roll Half. I've never ran any of the RNR series before and really enjoyed it. There are bands all along the course, which is thankfully very flat, and a lot of other entertainment from the spectators. We finished up along the boardwalk at the beach. If you ask me, there isn't a better place to run than along the water.

I ran, I finished, I am ecstatic!! I didn't break any PR's, or even come close, but I had such a great time, and finished feeling so blessed! Blessed that I have the ability TO run and blessed that I had my family there to cheer me on.

Family pic after the race. There is one will see why below. And yes, those are porta-pottys behind us. Scenic photo spot it's not, but a good picture all the same!

Me and one of my biggest fans

I'm proud that I was able to finish 13.1 miles just 5 months after having a baby via c-section with minimal training, the hubs gone for most of it, and only one double digit run. And I'm happy that this morning I'm still able to walk. If this all sounds like I'm tooting my own horn a bit, well you're probably right...TOOT TOOT!!

I also got to spend some time with some of our good friends from GA that were also running the race, and even spent the first 8 miles running with one of them. It's nice to have some company when you're spending 2 hours out of the road.

Me with Johnathan and Marc

And a HUGE THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU to my hubs, parents and kiddos. They are always there for me to support me and I am so thankful. It was an EARLY morning (everyone up before 5am) and they were all troopers and didn't complain one bit. Although there was one that didn't make it to see me cross the finish...

Poor kid...he was just plum worn out. And finally, just because this picture makes me giggle. The little one taking her bottle from Daddy...on the back of a beer truck no less - classy I tell ya!

Sometimes that's just how we roll around here. With that I am off.


Samantha said...

Congrats, glad you had a great time! And toot your horn away, 13.1 is no small feat period, much less 5 months post partum with a regularly deployed hubby. nice job! You look great too!

Two Dozen and Change said...

Go girl go! So very very proud of you! What an incredible accomplishment! You look faboosh!

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