Wednesday, July 20, 2011

predictably unpredictable

Don't you just love surprises?? I do. Okay, I love GOOD surprises. Finding a diaper blow-out only AFTER getting baby out of a car seat - not so great. Getting to see the hubby early - SOOO Great!

Last week, we all got a wonderful surprise. It went something like this. Around 4 the boys were outside playing with their neighbor friend, I came in to grab the monitor and the phone rang, the number on it was one that made my heart go pitter-patter (the "boat"). I picked up and sure enough it was my honey.

Me: Hello?

Hubs: Hi! What are you doing??

Me: (squealing) YOU'RE HOME!!?!?!?!

Hubs: Yep, got in today.

Me: But the house isn't clean... (yes folks this is what I said - but in my head I was thinking, "at least I shaved my legs today...")

Hubs: (joking) Oh...well I don't have to come ...

Me: NO...COME HOME!!!! We can't wait to see you!! ...

It goes on from there but you get the idea. There is nothing like homecoming - no matter how long he has been away. The boys and I are just bursting with happiness to have him here. What a blessing. We've had him home for about a week now, and are just giddy. We really haven't spent any family time together since he left after baby G was born, so we are soaking up every precious second we can. Absolute Bliss.

It never ceases to amaze me that for as predictable as the Navy can be, it can also be just as unpredictable. However, when it's a change like that...I'll take it every time.


Samantha said...

Glad your Navy unpredictability made for a positive surprise! :)

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