Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fabulous Fours

I know I just did a post for our little baby G, but we also had another very important milestone last week. My "little" munchkin turned FOUR last week. I can hardly believe it. Yesterday he was just a little guy, next thing I know he'll be off to college...okay maybe not that fast, but it sure feels like it.

Little man got not one but two birthday celebrations. A "mini" party on his actual birthday and another one with all sorts of family a few days later. He got spoiled with lots of gifts from his adoring fans.

He also may have spent the later half of the party in his new Cars 2 jammies. It sure it good to be the birthday boy.

It was great to see all the family, even if it did mean putting over 2000 miles on Roxie (our Routan) it was worth every single one. I'm not going to go into it too much because my next post will be about our adventures and I wouldn't want to spoil all the fun now would I??

We will have one more mini-celebration when the hubs gets back, but really that will just be an excuse for me to bake (read: eat) some more cake. Hey, at least I'm honest.

So, to my birthday boy, Happy BIRTHDAY!! We just love you so very much. I still can't believe how much he has grown over the year. The time really does just fly by...


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