Thursday, April 28, 2011

beyond what?

You may be asking yourself that right now - the answer is rainbow - but I'll get there in a bit. First things first.

Hi, welcome to our blog. Most of you reading this already know me, so I'll skip intros and lengthy background info. Here is the quick version. I'm Kel - a wife to one amazing hubby, and mama to three little ones. Here we are.

We are a military family (hubs is in the Navy and goes out on subs) so we move around like gypsies every 2 or 3 years - sometimes even less. Because of this, we rarely (if ever) live near family, and we have friends all over the US of A. So, I decided to start this blog as a way to let folks know what we are up to...if they are interested. As much as I would love to be able to keep in touch with everyone individually, that isn't going to happen, so I figure this is the next best thing.

As for the blog name, I'll try to condense my thought process as much as possible. One thing you should know...I ramble. I apologize now for that now. I grew up in Kansas and until I married my sweet hubby, had NO CLUE what on earth it meant to be a military family. I don't think I even knew anyone IN the military....moving on...I'm sure you are all familiar with the movie "Wizzard of OZ" and the whole "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" bit. That is what gave me the idea for the blog title. Our crazy day to day life is what I found BEYOND the rainbow (rainbow being my non-military previous life). Now that I write it out it doesn't sound as cool as it did in my head. But it's already done so I'm going to go with it - and now you know.

So stick around if you want, and if you don't well...don't. I can't promise any deep, earth shattering posts around here, but if nothing else it's bound to be entertaining for those of you on the outside of the madness looking in. :) Enjoy.


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