Thursday, August 12, 2010

Among the boxes...

That's where I am right now. Well, I'm in my kitchen if you want to be exact, but all around me are stacks and stacks of boxes. In case you hadn't already guessed, it's pack-out day! And can I just say that so far, I love Mayflower Moving Company. They sent over 4 ladies to pack our house who are doing a FABULOUS job. They are efficient, neat, and easy to be around. I guess we will see how things end up on the other end, but as of right now I'm a happy camper. And the best part, its not even noon yet, the upstairs is done as is the garage, and probably about 1/2 of the downstairs. There isn't much in our basement, but I would be surprised if they were here past about 3pm. Which is a dream come true for me! Our past two pack outs have taken ALL DAY LONG, which makes for a very LONG day.

I still can't believe that the move is here. I tend to be in denial about moves until they smack me in the face, which pretty much was last night as I was at dinner with two amazing gals that I have come to know and love over the past two years and I will miss dearly. They took me out to dinner (which was AMAZING) and we just sat and chatted for over an hour after we had finished -it was a great night.

The boys have spent the morning playing over at a friends house, which has actually given me a great deal of free time. I've started a new book, balanced my checkbook, and now am even blogging...woah!

So, we are supposed to MAYBE hear something from the detailer today as far as verbal orders. He called my husband yesterday but he missed the call. But no matter where we end up, it will be the best place for us. For now we have our sights set on the Northeast and are looking forward to the adventures to come.

Well time to wrap this up. I'll be back when we start to get settled!! Wish us luck.


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